
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.




Cloud Cost Management (FinOps)

Dashboard – Collaboration

The Collaboration feature empowers users to communicate, share insights, and discuss data directly within the context of a dashboard or report. This seamless integration of communication tools enhances teamwork and fosters a collaborative environment, making it easier to analyze and act upon data collectively.
Users can write comments directly on a dashboard or report, providing context-specific insights and facilitating discussions related to the data presented.
Users can enhance their comments by adding images or links to external websites. This allows for a more comprehensive discussion, incorporating visual aids and additional resources.
To bring a comment to someone’s attention, users can mention others by tagging them in the comment. The mentioned users receive a notification in the Hybr portal, prompting them to review and respond to the comment.
The Collaboration feature transforms dashboards and reports into interactive, communicative platforms, enabling users to discuss and analyze data collectively.



Cloud Cost Management (FinOps)

Cost Allocations

The Cost Allocations feature provides a systematic approach to apportion costs to tenants in an efficient and accurate manner. This functionality is essential for organizations that need to track and monitor the costs associated with specific resources and services consumed by tenants.
This feature enables organizations to distribute costs among tenants efficiently, significantly reducing administrative overhead and minimizing the potential for errors. It also helps identify the exact usage and ensure that each tenant is charged appropriately.
The cost allocation process is driven by a set of predefined rules. These rules determine how costs should be apportioned among tenants. The system offers flexibility by allowing these rules to be customized according to specific business requirements.
The feature includes robust reporting capabilities, allowing users to generate detailed reports on cost allocation. These reports provide insights into resource consumption and cost distribution and help in budgeting and financial planning.
We're excited to announce a new feature in the VConnect RP deployment process. Users can now configure an
existing public IP
for the
VConnect RP machine
During the validation step, when prompted, type '
' if you prefer to use an existing public IP for the VConnect RP machine. You will then be asked to enter the public IP address name and its resource group. If you do not wish to use an existing public IP, simply type '


Cloud Cost Management (FinOps)

Dashboard: Connected Insights

Introducing our new dashboard options: link dashboards, which effortlessly link related dashboards to a parent dashboard. This enhancement streamlines your data management process, providing quick access to interconnected insights while maintaining a clean and organized dashboard interface.
A simple show/hide toggle option lets you manage the visibility of linked dashboards. You can easily connect related dashboards to a parent dashboard, creating a cohesive network of insights. This allows for seamless navigation between interconnected data sets, making it easier to analyze and understand complex relationships.
By linking related dashboards, you can streamline your data management process. This centralized approach reduces the time and effort required to switch between different dashboards, enhancing overall efficiency.


Cloud Cost Management (FinOps)

FinOps BigData & reporting FW

Dashboard Pop-up Widget

We are excited to introduce a powerful new addition to our dashboard toolkit: an advanced Pop-up widget designed to enhance user interaction with data grids. This innovative feature allows users to access detailed information for specific rows directly from the dashboard interface.
With the Pop-up widget, users can easily view comprehensive details associated with a particular row by simply clicking on it. For an even deeper dive, a double-click reveals a more detailed view, offering extensive insights and context. Additionally, users have the option to open this detailed information in a new tab, enabling them to explore without disrupting their workflow. These versatile interaction options ensure that users can efficiently obtain the information they need, enhancing their overall experience with the dashboard.
  1. Enable Popup Wizard
  1. Enable Single Click
  1. Enable Double Click
  1. Configuration to Open in a New tab
Currently, in Azure Stack Hub HCI virtual networking, there are provisions for defining network name, address prefixes, and subnet configurations. Now, tenants have the capability to specify DNS servers. These servers are responsible for resolving domain names to IP addresses, enabling seamless communication between virtual machines and other resources. Tenants can add multiple DNS servers, separating them with commas.
Introducing a new enhancement to reset the shared folders password under a subscription.
To access this functionality in the Tenant portal:
  1. Navigate to Dell EMC Services.
  2. Click on Dell EMC Isilon.
  3. Click on reset password on context menu available for the shared folder of selected subscription.
  4. Click on yes to reset password.
During VConnect RP for Azure Stack Hub deployment, users should be able to configure their desired and appropriate VM size for the VConnect RP VM or utilize the default VM size.
When prompted during validation, type '
' if you prefer not to modify the VM size for VConnect RP, or type '
' to initiate a change, which will prompt for the new size.
We're excited to announce a new enhancement in our pricing flexibility for Hybr. Our latest update brings an important feature that enables you to manage pricing with even greater precision and efficiency. This update is now live and available for all users.
  • Extended Pricing Control: Building upon the existing ability to apply markup or discount at the service type level, users can now implement these pricing adjustments directly at the product category level. This new feature provides a finer level of control, allowing for more tailored pricing strategies across different categories of products.
  • Efficient Pricing Management: With the introduction of category-level markups and discounts, managing your pricing strategy becomes more streamlined, making it easier to adjust to market conditions and customer demands without the need to manually recalibrate prices at more granular levels.
  • Market-Driven Flexibility: Our decision to expand markup and discount capabilities to the product category level is backed by in-depth market research. This strategic enhancement is designed to meet the dynamic needs of our users, empowering them to be more responsive and competitive in the marketplace.
In our latest update to the Create Virtual Machine (VM) Wizard, we are thrilled to introduce a powerful new feature: Cloud Cost Comparison. This enhancement revolutionizes the VM creation process by empowering users to make informed decisions based on cost considerations across various cloud providers.
With this feature, users can now seamlessly compare the costs associated with different cloud options directly within the Create VM Wizard interface. Upon selecting the desired connection and compute instance size, the wizard dynamically displays the cost from multiple cloud providers.
Factors such as CPU and memory specifications are presented alongside the corresponding cost details, empowering users to optimize their resources while minimizing costs.
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